Profil d'investissement

Investment volume per property
  • CHF 30m – CHF 100m
Property types
  • Office
  • Mixed use (office combined with retail, residential or other commercial use)
Regions / Cities
  • North America
    • USA: Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Denver, Miami, New York City, Raleigh, Washington D.C.

  • Europe
    • France: Paris
    • Germany: Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart
    • Great Britain: London, Manchester
    • Austria: Vienna
    • Scandinavia: Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, Stockholm
    • Benelux: Amsterdam, Brussels, Den Haag, Luxembourg, Rotterdam
    • Spain: Barcelona, Madrid
    • Portugal: Lisbon
    • Ireland: Dublin
    • Italy: Milan

  • Australia
    • Australia: Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney
  • City centre: CBD-A, CBD-B, established submarkets
Tenants / Leases
  • Also lease structures with active asset management potential
    possible (e.g. void, over-/underrent situation, etc.)
Property profile
  • Property condition
    • New, as good as new, fully refurbished 
    • Assets with light to medium refurbishment requirement
  • Green buildings certificate preferred
  • Asset and share deals possible


Europe Sebastian Meyer
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North America Sebastian Feix
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Australia Sebastian Feix
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By introducing a real estate investment opportunity (the “introduction”) to AFIAA, the introducing party acknowledges and accepts that it is in the sole and absolute discretion of AFIAA to decide whether it will accept his/her introduction or not. The introducing party further acknowledges and agrees that any fees, commissions or other payments with respect to his/her introduction must be mutually agreed upon between AFIAA and the introducing party, and shall only be payable subject to a prior written agreement between AFIAA and the introducing party.

AFIAA Anlagestiftung für Immobilienanlagen im Ausland

Zollstrasse 42
8031 Zürich


Filiale Etats-Unis

AFIAA U.S. Investment, Inc.
7 Penn Plaza, 370 7th Avenue, Suite 804
New York, NY 10001

Tél  +1 212 748 7684
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Filiale Australie

AFIAA Australia Real Estate Pty Ltd
Suite 3, Level 1
10 Bridge Street
Sydney 2000, NSW

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